
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reflection for 2012!!!

In 2012 I was glad that I was a year 7 because I'm one of the big kids now. I like my new class because theres a lot of windows and enough space and theres even a podcasting room which is really handy. The street is a wonderful place to have lunch and the picnic tables are handy too. The sides of the street is very cool to play hand-ball and the shade clothes keeps us cool.

I love the subjects Reading and Writing, I'm doing well in reading but I don't know about Writing. Ms.Squires said I'm doing all right in my Maths but, I'm sure I'm failing a little. Friends are dependent and caring so we're all like cousins. Teacher is fantastic and glad I had Ms.Squires this year because she really pushed me to do my best.

The net books were fine but, It was my responsibility that failed my net book this year. The Imacs worked fine the hyperstudio had a couple of glitches but we were still able to use it well enough. The library was fantastic as usual but my class lost heaps of books which was irresponsible. The school grounds was fabulous and safe and I loved 2012!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Yr 7 fun day!!!

We were all suprised that we were doing fun challenges I hoped it would be fun but the first task was about thinking and using your brain but we still had some laughs. Our first task was to make a christmas tree out of a few news papers and coloured plain paper with a small tape and some foil and string. There were rules that you had to have four branches so my team thinked and thinked and then ding we had a idea. It took time till we thought out our plan but at the end our teams christmas tree as the only tree with four branches and on each branch we put a stocking on for each teacher.

After we finished our christmas task we had a slingshot challenge but you needed teamwork skills and catching skills. Our sling shot challenge wasn’t quite great for our team but we came successful in the end. We all wnet back to the srteet to do a challenge that was quite eazy for some of us but we were the third team to finish.

Then we did a challenge where we had to sit on each others knees in a circle and hand up our balloons and count 123 but my team was trying to get the teachers attentions and at the end we ened up coutint to 12 so we could have came 1st to be honest. The challenge was funny but our team completed challenge like a real team.

After luch the teachers discussed who will be the winning team I had a feeling that we would come second or third when it was decided we all met up at the street and Mrs.Noa told the runner up team which my best friend was in and then it came to a drum roll in my head and then woohoo my team came first but we didn’t cheered when she said we were the winning team we stayed humbled and clapped for everyones participation.

I loved the day and hope next time wil be even better!!!

Toy for christmas!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012


Where I am from I see coco-nut trees swaying side to side.

Where I am from I hear people splashing in the water.

Where I am from I can touch the whales and turtles that swim around me.

Where I am from I can taste the flavours from my Nanas Lu-sipi

Where I am from I can smell the flowers from far away.

Where I am from I can relax and stay in peace on the beach.

Where I am from I can sense happieness all around me!

Where I am from I can believe I can do this and that.

Where I am from I hope it never changes.

Where I am from I love playing and watching rugby.

Where I am from I wish it will be succeeding in the future.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Zombies vs Boys

The sky was tinged with yellowish sky as the sun began to set behind the hills. The moon was full. The stars weren’t shining because the grey clouds were blocking it. The whispering of the wind gave us the goosebumps. We were waiting on the bus at school. Then all of a sudden we heard a horrified scream nearby but none of us cared.

I was bored and there was only six of us left in the bus. Tevita was making jokes, Mateo was talking about his winning game, Lave was  too busy doing origami, Heremaia was annoying the bus driver and Tana was leaning his face on the window. If you want to know about me well I’m just relaxing and kicking back.

When all of a sudden the wheels popped and I was a little worried it was better than waiting for two hours. We all went out to see how it happened and it looked like a blade shot it. Then Tevita said “Yay we can camp in the bus tonight” everyone looked at him and said are you nuts! Mateo says “Look there’s a farm should we go inside and check it out”. Bus driver John said “I’ll check it out you kids stay here. He went to go look and Mateo said “who is he calling kids’.

There was a cornfield on the other side of the narrow road and Heremaia had an idea. He said with a cheeky voice why not look for some corn to eat but I said “No way we have to listen to what bus driver John said” and Heremaia said “Your such a wuss” to me and I said “Shut up” and then we waited and waited but bus driver John never came back from the barn.

Heremaia, Lave and Tana went to go check on him while me Mateo and Tevita waited. After a few minutes we heard Heremaia shout out “Run” in a horrified voice. So we all ran with fear. Heremaia was trying to save us so he stayed back and fight but then he didn’t make he got from the zombies Melvin was shouting NO HERMAIA IS A ZOMBIE!!.

Melvin,Tevita and Mateo were still running with fear. Tevita said to Melvin “I’m too young to die”.  Mateo ran past us and the zombies were right behind him so we sprinted to Mateo as fast as we can. Melvin said to Mateo “What happened”. “I was lost then these zombies came out nowhere and started chasing me” “What happened to your face” said Tevita “A zombie scratched me” replied Mateo “But it was epic how I clotheslined one of them” and they laughed. At the end Mateo, Tevita and Melvin survives but one of them gets badly enjured.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Brave as!!!

Alex looked at his watch. “Oh no I hope the others aren’t already at the park.”  As soon as he got there he saw rubbish flying around everywhere.This isn’t the greatest day to be doing fireworks,” he thought. Scanning the park he saw his friends at the other side huddled over something.  Alex felt suspicious. He wandered over. “What are you guys doing?” he said in a quiet voice.
“We’re trying to light the fireworks but they don’t work,” Max replied. They were struggling to light it in the gusty wind. Alex smelled something funny so he turned around and saw a bunch of teenage boys covered in tattoos, walking in a funny way and wearing all these bandanas.

Alex couldn’t stop looking when all of a sudden one of the boys said, “Homie what you looking at?”  Alex froze. HIs heart started pounding and he felt as if he was about to faint.  

Suddenly the boys started walking towards them. “Run”!!! he shouted to his friends. His friends looked up. “Quick run to the woods” Max yelled.  They sprinted off as fast as they could.

After a few minutes they all met at a junked up shed in the middle of the woods. Alex turned around and looked at everyone. He knew something was wrong. His jaw dropped and he snapped and quickly said where is Max everyone was worried.

Then Alex had some tears dripping from his eyes. He said sniffing at the same time “This is all my fault that means I have to go look for him” everyone was amazed how brave he was but at the same time didn’t want him to go by himself but Alex friends won’t leave him so they went together.”I hope he is alright” Alex t. It was nearly dark when unexspectedly Alex heard whining and cries and he knew it was Max he ran and ran and found Max on the ground with a blooding leg.

Max couldn’t move it was too painful and it was dark already. Alex was with Max and was calling help then Max saw a light it was a police officer with a torch. Alex was happy now but still felt bad to what he put Max through. The next day Alex went to visit Max in the hospital and said sorry. Max forgived him and said thank you for saving me. After a few hours Alex got a reward from the principal and the mayor he was now the bravest teenager.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smoking is bad

If you smoke you would have a chance to die faster and do not persuade people to smoke or else they will be a follower.  Persuading people is bad  because then it will pass on to everyone else and then there won't be any people alive.

Smoking is bad for you because it has more than 4000 chemicals in every cigarette which can affect your health.  Chemicals. Different diseases. Chance of dying. If you smoke then you will affect your children's health because they might already have a sickness and won’t be allowed to smell it.

Smoking is also hard to quit because it is addictive. If you stop smoking you will probably stress a lot. When you first smoke you get a sense of pleasure but trying to quit will be very desperate.If you smoke very young you will grow up pretty ugly and if you rather like smoking than eating vegetables you will have a bad life wasting your money on smoke #and have a bad life. So don’t persuade people to smoke.

Teenagers smoke to look cool or they just need it. Why do they need it? They need it because once they start, Their mind going to say I need lots more than one I need a thousand. When your mind says something  like needing smokes it's going to want more  when the brain gets it until your old your going to look.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pt.england cross country

As Mr.Burt was getting us prepared I was psyching myself to jolt speed like Flash. Suddenly he banged his clappers then everybody sprinted except me. I jogged for a minute then I went faster and faster. Straining but still going strong I was trying my best. As I was running I already knew I wouldn’t even make it to the top ten but I still put in my best effort. As I ran past Mrs.Wild this was the bit where it got muddy.

When I got up to the reserve I saw my friend Heremaia cheering for us to keep going I also saw Mrs.King in blue which meant she was in Tainui. It was getting muddier and I was getting dirtier. I hated and liked Cross-country and the same time. My friends Tevita and Tana joged with me while we were making our way through the creek.

As we were making our way through the creek there was mud, puddles, muddy stairs and some trees you had duck down from. As we joged half way Tevita boosted it leaving me run with Tana and Piri. As we were making our way out of the creek I was angry because we had to do a lap around the reserve. When I finished the lap I was so exsausted.

I was nearly to the finished line but I was walking. Then I saw Tana sprinting behind and I just beat him and I fell down straight away after I past the finish line. As I was lying down I was proud of myself because I tried my best I came 11th but I still thought that was a good place and it was also better than my score last year. I saw my friends huffing and puffing I was also proud of them too that cross country was a very dirty nightmare.

Friday, August 3, 2012


My class and I were getting ready for basket-ball on Thursday and I was excited. I was hoping we can play a game of basket-ball, but we learned some lessons and played a different game using team-work.
The lesson was techniques making sure you can get the ball and round it around your head,leg,hip, and other leg. We also learned some lessons of passing. We did a pass when we have to push the ball on the ground to bounce to team mate. We did a other pass where we had to do a pass over our heads.

Our game we played was a game where you have to keep passing the ball continuous to your team-mates fifth-teen times. The technique was move fast and share the ball which my team did. My team won one game and draw the next game because nobody won but my team had 13 the other team had only 12 so that means my team technically won.

I like dribbling because the ball goes bounce, bounce and bounce in our lessons. We had to dribble to the mark where we do our lesson then throw back the ball to our team-mates. Heaps of teams did some funny mistakes and one made a person cry. My friend Heremaia got hit on the head with the ball which was quite sour the thing I like about basket-ball is the momentum and speed it has in the game and a special thanks to the guys who teached us.                                              

Friday, July 20, 2012

Brown Brother

Joshua Iosefo, a 17, a Samoan Niuein New-zealander is a prefect at Mt Roskill Grammer. Recently the school has a assembly where the prefects have to do a speech, but for Joshua he is doing a kind of poem called spoken word. He thought it would be a good idea. His poem even got to go on youtube thanks to his friend Rashard. He even got to do it again for cambell-live which was great for him. Joshua’s poem was for his school he was trying to say don’t listen to sterotypes and don’t let anybody tell you what to do because its your decision. He was trying to make a point because people alway’s boss around other people even parents sometimes and don't limit yourself. He knows if you can do that you can do this like point a to b but when you use your imaganation your in your own world. The thing I like about the poem is that it is great and people will apprciate it because it has faith and confident. People will remember that poem because it has so much emotion and it is a good point of view. I reckon people should understand this poem because sometimes people are having a hard time but when they remember that poem they will feel better.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


As we were walking to Kiwi-kick my class and I (Room 20) were shivering. I was also rubbing my hands together briskly so I can warm up my numb fingers. I also saw trees rustling and Flags were flapping. “It was cool that we were going to kiwi-kick for another year”. I was hoping that we were going to advance but we still did some same skills. My favourite skill is the specy.          

Week 2 and I’m already loving this sport we already know hand-pass and pirate dance we also know drop punt do you know how to play kiwi-kick?We played a game in week 1 which was called cat and mouse. This week we played cheetah and leopared. It was fun and hard at the same time which was difficult.

"Last week and I’m the man at this game", I’m like a expert. First we warmed up with a game then we went through the things we learned. The people who taught us AFL were Micheal, Anita and Sam they were cool. Last thing we did was a great game called over the river. It was fun and I hope I do AFL next year.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pablo/Mattise Biography

Pablo Piccaso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga which is in Spain. He became the best, most influential artist in the 20th century. His style was Cubism. Piccaso was known as a radical in his work. After a long career he died on April 8 1973 in Mougins, France.The work of Piccaso is still famous.

Henry Matisse was born on December 31, 1869 in Le Cateau-Cambreesis, France Picasso and Matisse met in france and became life long mates.

In this writing I am going to compare and contrast these two artists' paintings, "Woman with a Hat" by Matisse and "Weeping Woman" by Picasso.

Although both Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman’ and Matisse's Woman with a Hat are portraits of women, they have different themes and different style.

Matisse and Picasso use vibrant colors for their paintings. They incorporate the same colors like light and dark. 


If I was to pick out of them two I would have chose Piccaso. The reason I picked Piccaso is because Matisse arts looks sad and has too much colour . I also don’t like his style because his fauvism doen’t even look like favism. But Piccaso is new and great.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

Daniella Hulme is an artist from New-zealand. Her artwork “ Abundance” shows the theme is the Pacific Islands , (her husband is Samoan) . Her medium is oil on canvas. Her style is figurative. She has a smooth texture with joy and bright colours. Her lines are strong and bold with a little shade into it. She adds fruit and veges into her artworks and some pacific patterns too.

Vincent van-gough Starry night

Vincent-Van Gogh has a very famous artwork called the Starry Night. It was created in 1889. The artwork has two layers for the sky which is light blue and dark blue. The sky also looks like an ocean with  waves that look like they are moving. His technique was to use bold brush strokes. Dark outlines are also incorporated throughout the painting. This piece of art looks lonely and quit so he must have been having a hard time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dr Ben Carson

Benjamin was born in Detroit, Micchigan. Sonya his mother dropped out of school when she was in third grade and got married when she was thirteen. At the young age of eight his parents sadly divorced so his mother was alone to look after Benjamin and his older brother Curtis on her own. Bengamin grew a anger tempt because kids at his school will always call him dummy because he was at the bottom of the class.

Benjamins mother had to work 2 sometimes 3 jobs at a time to provide her boys. As soon as Sonya saw Bens failing grades she determined to change his life around. She limited their television watching and said they have to finish their homework everyday to play outside.
They even had to read 2 library books a week. Ben wasn’t really happy about it.

One day Bens teacher walked into the class with a rock then that’s when Ben realised he wasn’t dum. When the teacher asked what kind of rock it is Ben waited for someone to put their hands in the air but no one did so he put his hand up and said the right answer everybody was amazed. A year past and Benjamin was already at the top of the class.

Learning took over his mind and was very hungry to read he was also now good at all subjects. His goal was to be phyisian so he had to control his anger temper. He graduated and attended to Yale University and got a scolarship in phsycology. From Yale he went to medical school of the University of Micchigan. Where his dream moved to psychiatry to neurosurgery. After medical school he became a neurosurgeon at the famous James hopkins hospital in Baltimore.

He was 32 when he became the hospital director of pediatric neurosurgery. In 1987, Carson happily made medical history to seprate siamese twins. The two twins binded together from the back of the head. Orparations like this fail like one or both dying. Carson did the orparation and a 70-member surgical team helped him. They did the orperation for 22 hours. At the end the twins were successfully apart and can live safe.

Friday, March 23, 2012


As me and and my friend Tevita were walking to the markey we were excited Tevitas carb-muscles were already pumped up and I felt a energy boost shoot through my body.
We saw some of our team mates sitting in a line I think they were trying to empress Mr.Barks and Miss.Langitupu. We started with a little activity using tape,paper,rubber and a stick. I knew we were making sling-shots.

Now it was time to make one we all had a team I was in team Joe with Tevita,Tana,Niuma,Unaloto and Joe ofcourse. Our first slingshot was a fail and our second was a C- that meant we lost to team Havea. We made bullets for our sling-shot with some paper and tape, but Tevita and Niuma made the woresest ones. Buckets were our aims but my team hardly took a shot which stinked.

Finally it was time for the Amazing-race Mr.Barks gave each team a map and there were arrows to where we had to go me and Tevita went to the Bakery near by. As me and Tevita were joging to the Bakery with excitment Joseph was catching up so we blitzed it and when we got to the Bakery Joseph was still in school grounds. I asked the man can I please receive the item and he gave a egg to me I said thank you and blitzed back to. I was giving the egg to Tevita and our hands were to slippery and we dropped the egg. I knew it was Tevitas fault but I blamed on myself just to be nice.

We got to school and got disqaulified it was kinda sad but we still made a hobo-stove everybody it was fun. It was time to do our last challenge it was we had to spell respect with our body it was fun the end.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It was time for my teams turn on the hydro-slide it was hard getting up the stairs and finally I made it to the top I had to wait for a little bit. Now I was sitting in front of the hydro-slide. Then all of a sudden the green went on I pushed myself to give me a boost down as soon I was in. It was pitch black it was like a black hole. Then I saw some light and knew it was gonna be great. The End!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


”On a wet Friday morning Pt-england school was excited and couldn’t wait for thier awsome picnic at the Pt-england beach!!! They all had packed lunch and a water bottle in thier bag and some families came with picnic. At the beach sports were held everywhere like soft-ball rippa-rugby even cricket but with pacific bats. The grey sky was fading away and the sun bursted out with some blue sky.

I was playing with sand with my friends Tevita,Heremiah and Mateo. We had great time because Tevita and Heremiah was buring thier feet under the sand like three feet under and me and Mateo was having digging comp it was so fun. Then we started making a water trail we will do a thick line in the sand then fill it with water then the water will go to the other thick lines running along.
After that me Heremiah and Mateo decided to go for a swim Tevita couldn’t because his Nan thinks he will get the cold.

As soon as me and two other friends went into the water I felt a very cold chill going up my body. I thought I wouldn’t get that much cuts on my foot but I was wrong. I was playing the then all of a sudden I felt something wrap around my leg then it pulled me down! I had a feeling it was somebody I know who do you think it is? I went under water struggling to get out of that thing wrapping around me I got out and the person that I pulled up was Mateo of course he is really sneaky and likes to tackle.

We got out of the water to have lunch I saw my sister on the way to the changing room she said my mum came with pinic. I was starving I quickly got changed and ran to eat I gave some food to my friend Tevita and I forced to eat some more. After that me and Tevita played rugby with a giant tennis ball it was one tuff game.Later that day it was home time and I was eating a packet cravers we went to school and had a reast then we went home the end.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The beach and cafe

Sally was marching with her father on the sand making marks with their shoes.
Sallys father was worrying that Sally might get cold.
When they were finished marching, they went to a nearby cafe where it was nice and warm!!!
When they got to the cafe Sallys father saw Sallys lips purple so he bought her hot choclate.
After that (Sally felt hungry so) her dad fetched her a pie and muffin.
Before Sally could say thank you to her dad she saw the sun pop out and blue sky appeard.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Poem

I am a dreamer.
Like super-man in the night sky.

I am a skateboarder.
Kinda like a Surfer.

I am a active person.
Only when I have a healthy breakfast.

I am a big mouth.
When I am with my friends.

I am a reader.
It's like another world.